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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Jahida, we value your privacy and are committed to maintaining it. When you make a purchase on our website, we will request and collect your Personal Information, including your name, email address, billing address, delivery address, telephone number, product choices, credit card or other payment details, and password.

In addition, we may collect information about your online activity, such as the URL you came from, your IP address, browser type, location of your computer, pages viewed during your visit, and advertisements clicked on. We may collect this data even if you do not register with us. None of this information is of a personal nature and is solely used to improve the quality of our service.

We use your information to process your orders, manage your account, and analyze statistical data to enhance website performance. With your consent, we may also notify you of products or special offers that may be of interest to you. By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you confirm that you do not object to us contacting you for any of the above purposes, through telephone, email, or writing, and acknowledge that it does not breach any of your rights.

We do not release your Personal Information to any third-party company for mailing or marketing purposes. Furthermore, we do not store any of your credit card information, as it is securely collected by our authorized payment processor, which utilizes advanced encryption, fraud prevention, and protection policies. Once collected, your information is kept on a heavily guarded server behind an electronic firewall, with limited access to authorized computers.

We advise you to check our privacy policy frequently to stay informed of any updates or changes. Thank you for trusting us with your Personal Information.